IP 2030

The federal guidelines for integrated fruit production were last revised in 2006. The unique selling point of the directive is no longer present due to overlapping institutional framework conditions. The aim of the project is to revise the IP guidelines.

Fruchtwelt Bodensee
Friedrichshafen, Germany

An comprehensive revision of the directive is carried out by:

  • Inclusion of topics at the intersection between commercial fruit cultivation and society (third mission), e.g. climate protection, biodiversity, soil protection, CO2 balance,
  • content targeting the producers and the public
  • Implementation of a point system for self-control or external audit through a quality assurance system

To revise the policy

(1) the latest scientific findings in fruit growing are taken into account through literature research,

(2) practical people or stakeholders involved through project presentations and

(3) advisory expert panels implemented.

An innovation is the introduction of catalogs of measures with a division into “preventive” and “direct” measures in the plant protection chapter, which contain an assessment of the effectiveness and economic efficiency of the measures and result in a points system. The point system is also being adapted for measures outside the plant protection. On a voluntary basis, a company-specific selection of measures can be made and used for self-control, company audits or remuneration. An examination of the points system in model companies and subsequent adjustment of the guidelines are planned.

Speakers (1)

Nico Sachs

Nico Sachs

research assitant, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück


Key data

Saturday, February 24, 2024
11:00 AM - 11:20 AM
Halle B4, Forum

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