"Stupid Pig." The pig is proverbially on everyone's lips. The reputation of pork, however, is beneath contempt. Why is that, what is the truth behind the many accusations and how useful is the pig? Martina Müller gets to the bottom of these and other questions at Suisse Tier 2021 (in German).
Horizontal and vertical networking offer significant advantages for advancing the knowledge system in livestock science and agricultural practice. At AgroVet-Strickhof, forward-looking research and education are carried out in the domain of livestock.
At AgroVet-Strickhof higher education and research in agricultural and veterinary sciences are connected with the practical needs of the agricultural industry through the cooperation between Strickhof, ETH Zurich and The University of Zurich.
Lindau, Switzerland
Die Suisse Tier ist die einzige Schweizer Fachmesse, die sich ausschliesslich auf die Nutztierhaltung fo-kussiert. Als vielgeschätzen Branchentreffpunkt bietet die Suisse Tier eine Mischung aus Produktpräsen-tation, Fachinformation und Netzwerkmöglichkeiten.
Luzern, Switzerland