What is the difference between plant fertilization and plant nutrition? We are convinced that plant nutrition goes beyond fertilization and is essential for innovative and future-oriented farms.
Fleuren Nurseries has been producing organic apple and pear trees for more than 20 years. The focus is on robust and resistant varieties such as Natyra®, Freya®, WURtwinning, (Red) Topaz, Deljonca, Collina, WURsixo, and WURanda.
Fruit tree nursery for apple, pear, cherry and plum trees. Frost-resistant pear rootstock Q-Eline: Also organic fruit tree nursery for apple and pear trees. Various large fruited cherry varieties. We make the trees you earn money with!
Baarlo, Netherlands
Bioteksa ist das Unternehmen, das kolloidale Nanoporter entwickelt hat. Biodynamische Moleküle, die die Pflanzenernährung um bis zu 60 % effizienter machen und den Boden regenerieren ohne die Pflanze zu belasten. Das Ergebnis ist eine gesündere Pflanze, die mehr und bessere Früchte hervorbringt
Owen, Germany