Produkt-Highlight FRUCHTWELT BODENSEE 2023


THE DOUBLE LEADER PLANT (For Cherry, Pear and Apple trees). The double leader plant is already formed and is ready to be planted in the orchard at the time of purchase.

Vivai Mazzoni s.s. Società Agricola
Tresignana, Italien

    BIBAUM ®– THE DOUBLE LEADER PLANT (For Cherry, Pear and Apple trees)

    Can provide the following BENEFITS:

    • Creation of orchards with narrower fruiting walls.

    • Excellent arrangement of the fruiting wall (pruning, thinning, weeding, picking, phytosanitary treatment).

    • Reduction of cultivation activities.

    • Easy pruning, manual thinning and picking.

    • Improved effectiveness of phytosanitary treatments.

    • Excellent vigour management.

    • Low management costs.

    • Improved fruit quality.

    • Increased production yield.

    • Simplified picking.

    • Increased light interception.

    • Excellent productivity, good early picking.

    Come and visit us for further information.

    Zugehörige Themengebiete (3)