Using Data to Drive Decisions

Data science and innovative digital tools empower farmers through actionable insights.

Farmers have always collected and evaluated large amounts of data with each growing season: seed varieties planted, inputs applied, bushels harvested, etc. Today, the rise of data science and the advent of digital technologies provide farmers with a wealth of new data – and new opportunities to use that data to improve operations and outcomes

Remote sensors, satellites, and unmanned aerial vehicles (commonly referred to as “drones”) constantly collect millions of data points by monitoring plant health, soil conditions, temperature, nitrogen utilization and much more. Artificial intelligence (AI) tools can subsequently analyze this data at high speeds and funnel it back to farmers in the form of useful insights, helping them make critical, timely, in-field decisions.

This is what we at Bayer call digital farming.

Digital farming is at the forefront of modern agriculture. Many farmers and scientists are already using innovative tools to measure and analyze the elements that affect farming – including environmental conditions, seed genetics and the presence of pests. In the future, these technologies and data will continue to enhance farmer efficiency by further enabling them to monitor each plot of land and determine the precise inputs needed for their crops to thrive.

We believe digitalization is the key to farming’s future, and we are leading the industry in the use of AI and machine learning to help farmers achieve better harvests. We also believe this is the key to unlocking next-generation agricultural solutions, so we’re using data science to accelerate our research and development processes, creating efficiencies in production, operations and supply chain, all the while improving customer experience.

Digital Farming

Enabling Farmers to Get The Most Out of Their Fields While Using Less Land and Fewer Resources.

Like the smart tools that help us make decisions in our day-to-day lives, digital farming is enabling integrated solutions tailored to each farm’s needs: the right product in the right place, at the right time, in the right amount.

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