digital workbench GmbH

Short description

Passionate experts in digital technologies focusing on agricultural robotics and a new innovative solution for sustainable and ecological agriculture – the small, cost efficient autonomous all-terrain carrier platform Tipard 350 for automation use cases such as plant monitoring and data collection.

About us

Passionate experts in digital technologies in the field of robotics based in Wettstetten (Upper Bavaria, Germany). Established in 2014 by founder and CEO Josef Schmidt who is born, raised and trained in agriculture. The team is drawing on years of experience in hard- and software development, in-vehicle network architecture, bus technology, automated testing, sensor technology and mechatronics engineering. Our vision: A sustainable, ecological and economically viable agriculture enabled by automation to reduce the use of chemicals and create better working conditions.


Our solution: A small and cost efficient all-terrain outdoor carrier platform for plant growers, research institutes, agrochemical companies, laboratories and farmers: Tipard 350 – with unique driving and steering technology, innovative module kit, superb maneuverability and autonomous movement on the plantation. Modular, scalable architecture that can be adapted to any application thanks to open hard- and software interfaces for easy integration into existing work planning and GIS systems.


Application technology developed by digital workbench gmbh: Optical sensors, camera systems, plant protection equipment, cultivators, fertiliser distributors.