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Discover the potential of Viti PV systems with Intech! Our innovative solution optimises viticulture through dual land use and not only increases the energy yield.
Utilise the potential of your arable land for espalier fruit AND maximum renewable energy - with the innovative tracking system from Intech. Feel free to contact us!
Our environmentally friendly grass paper sleeve protects your asparagus and presents it attractively to your customers. Compared to conventional paper, grass paper consists of 40% grass fiber and requires less energy, hardly any water and no process chemicals during production.
The project was developed in a partnership with Agroscope in 2023, featuring Insolight’s agrivoltaic solution over raspberries and strawberries. Fruits from this installation were sold in 20 Migros shops in Canton Valais.
Insolight vermarktet einzigartige und hochinnovative Agri-PV-Lösungen, die eine Optimierung des Mikroklimas für die Pflanzenproduktion ermöglichen. Wir haben gerade mehrere grössere Anlagen realisiert und suchen Vertreter, um neue Projekte zu akquirieren!
Innovative Agri-PV Greenhouse | Plant nursery. The project was built in 2023, in St. Gallen, Switzerland, with semitransparent PV-modules designed by Insolight.
PREMIUM DWC 150-200 L with aroma max column is designed primarily for the distillation of aromatic drinks such as fruit brandies and gin. Very interesting product, our best seller.
Professional fruit dryer frutty 15 with air dehumidification system for dehydrating fruits, berries, herbs, mushrooms, vegetables, tee. Closed loop drying unit.
Professional fruit dryer frutty 25 with air dehumidification system for dehydrating fruits, berries, herbs, mushrooms, vegetables, tee. Closed loop drying unit.
International Trade Fair for Commercial Fruit Growing, Distillation and Agricultural Technology from January 13 to 15, 2023, with around 280 exhibitors – 41st Bodensee-Obstbautage with lectures and panel discussions on current issues
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